The situation in Ukraine is a bit more complicated, as the Russians were merely interested in annexing pieces that Lenin and Stalin destroyed and turned into Russia by eradication and systematic replacement of the population. Those same places were forced away into Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia etc by the Clinton administration in the wake of the Soviet Union collapsing despite the fact they had no cultural ties to their ‘home country’. Had the people had a true election on the matters, we would’ve seen a bufferzone of places like Transnistria, Donbas etc.
Ukraine’s leadership is interested in the gas and oil and will (as it has recently shown) use western firepower it receives to even invade Russia proper, the response to the Donbas becoming ‘less dependent’ as people may not remember was bombing civil targets (terrorism) in Moscow, likewise with the other regions, you have (often Islamic) factions bombing Russian targets whenever they feel slighted, similar to Hamas attacking Israel whenever they want something.
This is then complicated by the fact that Biden allowed Putin to not only evade Ukraine security (Nordstream 2 in particular) but then also said that if they just invaded a little bit, he wouldn’t have a problem with it. That and the fact that Biden’s family has ties to corrupt Ukraine and Russian oligarchs that are currently profiteering from the European energy crises.
As far as the topic, Ukraine doesn’t recognize JWs or most religious groups or freedoms. Not sure if the WTBTS would have intervened, they likely would have been banned completely which would be an optics problem to the far left media. Should they have, potentially if they are true to their claimed standards, but the current iteration of leadership seems more worried about their ESG score with their Blackrock investment partners (see also COVID) than their followers.